Sunday, December 8, 2013

Animal Farm Discussion Groups

The first discussion my group had, on Tuesday the 3rd, went well, but there were many things we could improve on both as a group and as individuals. My personal goal for improvement was greater preparation for the second discussion. This includes both a better understanding of the reading, with important passages marked, but also a better discussion question to lead to a deeper conversation. I think I did well fulfilling these goals, as I came with a question which lead to a very in depth analysis and opinionated discussion. I also had bookmarked places of import within the chapters. As a group, our first discussion was very much unequal in terms of contribution as well as having several awkward silences. These too improved for our second discussion; everyone not only participated, but had something thoughtful to add to the conversation. We also talked almost the entire time, going well over the timer for almost every segment. The only thing we could really improve on is staying on topic, as our conversation did wander off a few times. To fix this, we just need to be reminded the question we're discussing by one of the members whenever we start drifting off.

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